Ben & Jerry's "Chance the Rapper Acid Rap Anniversary Tour" Sweepstakes

Ben & Jerry’s “Chance the Rapper Acid Rap Anniversary Tour” Sweepstakes

Fans of Chance the Rapper have an exciting opportunity to win a remarkable experience through the Ben & Jerry’s “Chance the Rapper Acid Rap Anniversary Tour” Sweepstakes. The sweepstakes is currently accepting entries, starting from July 10, 2023, at 9:00:00 AM ET and concluding on July 21, 2023, at 5:00:00 PM ET.

To participate, interested individuals can visit the official website. They will need to complete a registration form, providing their first and last name, email address, and selecting the city they would like to travel to if they win.

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The Grand Prize winners of the sweepstakes will be awarded a two-night trip for two to attend Chance the Rapper’s Acid Rap Anniversary Tour. The prize package includes two tickets to the tour, round-trip coach class airfare from the nearest major U.S. airport, hotel accommodations for two nights, and $1,000 cash for the winner to use towards meals and transportation expenses. Furthermore, the winners will enjoy a year’s supply of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, delivered in the form of 52-pint coupons.

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