Enter the SPK Lemonade Stand Sweepstakes

Enter the SPK Lemonade Stand Sweepstakes

Quench your thirst for excitement with the SPK Lemonade Stand Sweepstakes! From June 12 to July 10, 2023, you have the chance to be one of 30 lucky winners who will take home a fantastic prize package.

Participating is easy. Just visit this website and submit your valid email address to receive one entry into the sweepstakes. If you want to showcase your creativity, you can also upload a photo of your homemade lemonade stand, although it’s not mandatory for entry.

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The prizes are sure to make your summer even more enjoyable. Each winner will receive a $100 gift card, a SOUR PATCH KIDS-branded Swirly Straw Tumbler, SOUR PATCH KIDS Lemonade Fest, and SWEDISH FISH Blue Raspberry Lemonade, with a total approximate retail value of $119.70 per prize.

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