Chubby Snacks

FREE Bag of Chubby Snacks After Rebate

Discover the delectable world of Chubby Snacks with their exciting FREE PB&J’s offer! Treat yourself to the goodness of their snacks by enjoying your first bag absolutely free. Here’s how to relish this mouthwatering deal:

Step 1: Purchase Chubby Snacks
Visit your local retailer and make a purchase of a Chubby Snacks bag. Finding the nearest store is a breeze with the assistance of the provided store locator.

Step 2: Share Your Receipt
Capture a snapshot of your receipt and share it with us via text message. This simple step ensures your eligibility for this amazing offer.

Step 3: Cash Back, Quick and Easy
In no time, you’ll receive your cash back within 24 hours, conveniently delivered through either Venmo or Paypal.

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