Free Garden Mix Pouch for Schools, Scouts & 4H

Free Garden Mix Pouch for Schools, Scouts & 4H – Pay $3 Shipping

You can request a free pollinator garden mix pouch from Save Our Monarchs for a school, scout troop or 4H club. You’ll just have to pay $3.00 for shipping. By planting the seeds you can help support the monarch butterfly population.

This is a great free sample offer for seeds that will provide a habitat for butterflies. And the residual effects of this could be two or three fold. This isn’t just to promote the growth of butterflies, but to promote the growth of our youth, by encouraging them to care about the environment, learn how to plant and sustain growth, and to get off the screens and spend a little time outdoors. And to the latter I say, hallelujah!

There are many studies suggesting that the cause of an increase in depression, despair, and apathy among young people is social media and general time spent on screens. While it may not be a fully vetted concept, it’s not to hard to understand how more and more time spent in a virtual world is replacing time spent face to face with other humans, something that not only leads to dehumanization, but also to less meaningful relationships, a decrease in physical fitness, and increase in mental and physical deterioration.

Of course, an ever increasing amount of adults and seniors are also flocking onto social media and other online entertainment, but much like exposure to the harmful UVB rays of the sun, the greatest effects happen while you’re still in your developmental years.

I had a stint of working in a propagation greenhouse in my mid-twenties, and I often look back fondly on it as one of the happiest periods of my working life. Spending time every day outside, imbued with the responsibility of maintaining and supporting a living thing was such a rewarding experience. It truly contributed to a calming peace within myself that translated to better decision making, an increase in compassion, and a sense of purpose.

I hope all you younger grandparents will request these samples for your grandchildren’s school, scouts or 4H program and do your part to give the next generation a reason to work together while promoting their growth away from the radiation of electronic devices and closer to the soil, water and air that are the building blocks of sustaining all life.

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