Possible FREE Fun In Motion Toys Party Pack

Tryazon is offering a unique opportunity for 100 hosts to receive a party pack featuring Fun In Motion Toys. Selected participants will have the chance to showcase and sample the innovative HyperTiles® and Shashibo toys with friends and family. This party opportunity aims to introduce new, engaging ways to play and learn.

HyperTiles® is a new construction toy based on the mathematical shape known as a hyperbolic paraboloid. These simple yet versatile shapes can be linked together in endless combinations, creating structures that move and flex. This provides hours of 3-dimensional adventure and creativity. The more sets combined, the bigger and more complex the shapes become.

Hosts chosen for this event will receive a party pack valued at over $225. The pack includes one Hypertile pack, one Bulk Party pack of Hypertiles, five Shashibo, twelve coupons for 20% off the entire Fun In Motion Toys store, and a Party Host Guide to help plan and carry out the party.

To participate, interested individuals should visit Tryazon’s website and apply for the opportunity.

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